

20 Most Dangerous Venomous Spiders of the World’s

Goliath birdeater

Goliath birdeater

Goliath birdeater the goliath bird eater should
probably be crowned the king of all spiders this
species of tarantula is the most massive spider
in the world, without counting the legs its body
can reach a length of over 5 inches the spider is
extremely resilient and is able to live up to 25
years while goliath bird eaters primarily eat insects
rodents and some small reptiles are fully capable
of hunting birds when threatened goliath bird
eaters will launch urticating hairs by kicking
their legs and rubbing them together these hairs
are small spines that can lodge into human skin
and eyes causing extreme irritation and pain but

if you’re aggressive enough to actually get yourself
bitten by one of these monsters you’ll probably
regret messing with it the goliath bird eater has
a venomous that has been compared to getting
stung by a wasp which is never fun additionally its
fangs are over an inch long so not only will you
have spider venom running through your
bloodstream you’ll have two massive holes
in your arm where a tarantula plunged its fangs

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Written by tendance

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