

20 Most Dangerous Venomous Spiders of the World’s

Ornamental tree spider

ornamental tree spider

ornamental tree spider contrary to what many may
believe tarantulas are often thought to be some
of the most harmless spiders aside from being
less poisonous than many common house spiders
tarantulas only bite in self-defense is the last resort
while they initially just run from any potential
predators their secondary form of defense is to
launch a cloud of irritating hairs at their enemies
but if you ever are unlucky enough to be bitten by
a tarantula you probably won’t have a good time

the ornamental tree spider is a critically endangered
spider found in the forest of India it’s known for
having a metallic body color and is covered in
shiny blue hair strangely the spider is only found
in one place in the world which is a small area
forced in India no bigger than 100 square kilometers
the spider’s venom will cause terrible pain other
effects from the venom of an ornamental tree
spider include an increased heart rate sweating
headaches and muscle cramps effects from
the bite can last up to a week in extreme cases
multiple months and that’s aside from the physical
a wound that’ll form from having large fangs
plunged into your skin

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Written by tendance

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