

20 Most Dangerous Venomous Spiders of the World’s

Sand spider

Sand spider

6 eyed sand spider one interesting spider that
you don’t want to be bitten by is known as the
6i sand spider found in desert biomes and other
dry places in Africa the six-eyed sand spider is a
a close relative of poisonous recluse spiders but
they remain somewhat distinct the six-eyed sand
spider is easily distinguished by its relatively flat
body and legs which have earned it an alternative

name the six-eyed crab spider some people have
said that the six-eyed sand spider is actually
the most venomous spider on record but that
a statement has easily challenged the spider
doesn’t spin a web but actively seeks out prey
to pounce on the spider produces a potent
the venom that has painful and necrotic effects
its bites are fully capable of killing a human if
you’re lucky enough to survive the bite will still
cause a serious wound that will be extremely painful

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Written by tendance

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