
xbox series s

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xbox series s price

microsoft finally announced the xbox series s
uh we kind of knew it was coming for a while
there were a ton of leaks but now it’s officially
here it’s gonna be 299 coming on november
10th alongside the series x what’s truly interesting
is that this is a pretty inexpensive console that has
most of the features coming into the series x so
that includes a fast ssd and support for high
frame rate gaming what’s even better is that you
can finance it with xbox all access over two
years and also get game pass ultimate bundled
together with that no matter which way you look
at it the xbox series s does seem like a genuinely
great deal
here’s the thing as exciting as the xbox series

x sounds um especially for people who are really
into hardware that 4.99 cost is going to be a big
jump for a lot of consumers especially now that
we’re facing a global pandemic and a financial
crisis and everybody a lot of people at least are
out of work and to truly take advantage of the
series x you need a brand new 4k tv with support
for hdmi 2.1 and higher refresh rates really that’s a
system that’s built for the people who bought the
xbox one x at launch you know gamers who demand
the best at all costs but i really think the xbox series
s is built for everybody else the parents who really
need to get their kids a new console this season
or anybody who’s still stuck with an xbox one
the launch version or the xbox one s it’s still going
to be a massive upgrade in overall quality that
crowd of consumers won’t care if their games are

xbox one

actually being rendered natively in 4k or how many
teraflops more the playstation 5 has over the system
they just want to play the games and that’s really
what it’s aiming at and in that respect you’ll definitely
see some improvements over the original xbox one
and 1s microsoft says it’s targeting 1440p at 60
frames per second but it also has support for up
to 120 frames per second so newer tvs will also
be able to take advantage of that and to be clear
that’s a huge improvement over the xbox one and
1s which often struggle to maintain 1080p at 30
frames per second 60 was kind of a luxury for
players it means your games will just look smoother
no matter if you have an older hdtv um which can
still play up to 60 frames per second or if you have

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a newer set you’ll definitely see an improvement
with that higher frame rate and here’s the thing i’ve
been arguing for years that native 4k rendering
doesn’t matter as much as faster frame rates you
will just notice that difference a lot more you will
only really notice 4k if you’re standing or sitting
really close to a large set and that’s not something
most people do think about how far couches are
away from most tv sets and living rooms you
can also expect some dramatically faster load
times with the series s thanks to microsoft’s new
velocity architecture this is the custom ssd they’ve
been building together with seagate that is going

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What do you think?

Written by tendance

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