
We put the PS5 in after a thermal imaging camera, here’s what happened

We put the PS5 in after a thermal imaging camera heres what happened

how hot does the new ps5 get and after a thermal imaging camera, here’s what happened?

well to find out I’ve got the console and I’ve also got a thermal imaging camera let’s

find out so I’ve got the new ps5 and I’ve
so far installed a couple of games and it’s basically in
its standby mode right now I’ve got the thermal camera
it’s in standby mode right now I’ve got the thermal camera
and right now we can see that it is currently somewhere
around 17 degrees the ambient temperature in the room
is about 14 degrees 13.8 so it’s only a few degrees
warmer than and the ambient room right now when it’s
in standby mode, the console is doing some things
in the background, while it’s in standby updating some
of the games doing some other downloads so it’s not
fully off this is exactly and the same that I found when i
did the same heat test with the Xbox series x and it is doing

things in the background and there are power settings you
can choose if you want your console and to be completely
switched off not using any power but for the most part
you will want it to be doing some updates in the
background and as a result, it will be generating a little
bit of power while it’s doing it and the thermal imaging
a camera that I’m using is actually the cat s62 pro phone
and this is actually a FLIR thermal imaging camera built
into this phone so it is actually and giving us proper thermal
imaging capturing okay so we’re at the main menu we
can see Astros playroom we’ve got spiderman we’ve got
bug snacks I’m not going to load any of these games just
yet we are just going to let the console and sit in the menu
system for a few minutes and see whether or not it

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the heat is coming out how to see the faint

thermal imaging camera

starts to use any more power and so I can see that it is
steadily climbing it’s now at 19.3 degrees celsius
it’s about one degree warmer than it was when it
was in standby mode does look like it’s fluctuating a
little bit so it’s not an exact science but it is giving us
a rough overview of what is quite interesting is seeing
where the heat is coming out we can just see the faint
outline of the whole console here and but it really does
seem to be in the bottom part where most of the heat
is being generated, also at the back which is where
the fan is mostly blowing out the heat exhaust so it’s
warming up the back wall and also down at the bottom
on the table but the top part of the console seems
pretty cool okay I’ve given this a few minutes and it
seems to be lingering at around the 18.5 to 19 degrees

Link of the thermal imaging camera can buy Amazon


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Written by tendance

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