

20 Most Dangerous Venomous Spiders of the World’s

Red widow

Red widow

the red widow for those of you with particularly
strong fear spiders beware this next spider is yet
another widow spider and it is one that has actually
killed people in the past still if you’ve made it this
far down the list you probably aren’t all that freaked
out by spiders in the first place the final widow spider
on this list of venomous eight-legged crawlers is
the red widow is also known as the red-legged
widow it has a somewhat different appearance
than its black and brown counterparts, the red
widow is distinguished by its red upper body and
head as well as its matching legs its abdomen
is black but it does have a red mark similar to
the black widow the red mark on the red widow’s

abdomen comes in a variety of shapes including
typical hourglass shapes triangle shapes and
many other red widows are also distinguished
by their orange or red spots, females can grow
to have a leg span of up to two inches the males
however, are quite lacking they don’t even grow up
to be an inch long red widows are endemic or
exclusively native to parts of central and southern
Florida like other widow spiders red widows exhibit
a terrifying behavior is known as sexual cannibalism
after mating, the female spider will devour the male
in fact, this is why spiders are known as widows
the reasoning behind this is unconfirmed but many
experts believe that it’s an attempt to protect

the offspring from being eaten by the male once
they hatch still some males attempt to protect
themselves from being eaten by a female widow
spiders by choosing mates that have recently
eaten although widow bite deaths are rare they
are painful and they can be fatal you

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Written by tendance

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