

20 Most Dangerous Venomous Spiders of the World’s

Redback spider

Redback spider

redback spider similar in color to the black widow
the redback spider is actually a different species
although an alternative name for it is the Australian
black widow the redback spider is easily distinguished
by its globe-shaped black body with a noticeable red
strike on top of it they also have an hourglass-shaped
red marking on the underside of the abdomen females
can grow up to 10 millimeters in body length dwarfing
the four-millimeter male’s redback spiders are thought
to be one of the most poisonous spiders on earth
in the past, they were the number one creature in
Australia for incidents requiring the application
of antivenom to patients in recent years the number

has dropped but they are still responsible for
up to ten thousand spider bites annually bite
from the male redback spider will almost cause mild
pain due to its small fangs and lack of potent venom
but if you’re bitten by a female redback spider you
might want to rush to the hospital the venom will
cause harsh pain and swelling in humans

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Written by tendance

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