

20 Most Dangerous Venomous Spiders of the World’s

Cupboard spider

Cupboard spider

cupboard spider is scientifically known as death
capensis the cupboard spider is a venomous
arachnid originating in South Africa because of
its similarities to the katipo from new Zealand
it has been known to be referred to as the false
katipo cupboard spiders are rather small and
are usually solid glossy black with tiny red markings
on their abdomens, they have also crescent bands
on their bodies covered spider bites cause statism
intense pain and a malaise that can last more
then a day its venom also causes headaches and
nausea in humans and can leave somewhat gross

wounds interestingly the anti-venom developed
for use on redback spider bites has been reported
as being effective for cupboard spider bites cupboard
spiders are synanthropic meaning that they benefit
from the existence of humans by using human
structures and objects as homes to build their
webs in they frequently inhabit buildings sheds
and of course cupboards

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Written by tendance

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