
Deadpool has arrived in Fortnite PS4

fortnite deadpool

The new Deadpool Game

Game the new Deadpool skin inside a fortnight
and everyone is wondering how exactly you get
your hands on this very awesome skin as you can
see from the background gameplay I got to use
the new Deadpool skin on my fortnight account
for just a little bit today and it is very very awesome
I’m excited to get back online and play some more
with it now this is obviously a collaboration between
fortnight and Marvel since Deadpool is owned by
Marvel Studios now with every other Marvel skin that
we’ve had added inside a fortnight it comes into
the for tonight item shop and cost 1,500 v bucks or
$15 if you wanted to buy it however this season
the Deadpool skin will actually be totally free so know
don’t expect to see to this skin come to the item
shop ever because it’s gonna be free you don’t need
to get it from the item shop because then it would
cost v bucks chapter 2 season 2 has way deeper
hole rewards and other features instead of the game
then simply a skin that we’re gonna get in a little bit
at pool actually has his own secret little room inside
of the battle past section of the menu if you enter his
little secret room you will notice that obviously it is
well a bathroom we’re also able to go and check the
Deadpool weekly challenges where every single week
there are going to be two brand new challenges that
we’ll be able to complete in order to earn a new
Deadpool reward the first reward is a little Deadpool
logo on a banner that I personally earned completely
by accident first, two challenges are so incredibly easy

fortnite deadpool games

leaked image

to complete all you have to do is not think the bus driver
which I did by accident and click on Deadpool’s little
the letter which is on the ground also in the little Deadpool
bathroom if you click on Deadpool’s letter you can see
a letter from Deadpool himself obviously that’s why it’s
called Deadpool’s letter but you could actually see a
drawing of a brand new battle bus totally Deadpool
themed that he wants to see added into the game I
imagine that this will happen and we can expect the
Deadpool themed battle bus later on in the season
also just earlier today we had a leaked image inside
of the fortnight game files actually showing Deadpool
himself sitting on top of a toilet now this could be one
of two things the first is maybe it’s a Deadpool emote
where he literally goes and sits on a toilet for an entire
emo the second option is once you finally get Deadpool
unlocked for free he will be sitting on that toilet
permanently you know how we have all those secret
agents around that challenge table but as each week
goes by here in season two a fortnight there will be a
brand new Deadpool reward that we can unlock from

Deadpool Game

the weekly challenges I believe we also have our very
first, look at the next Deadpool reward that we’re gonna
see added into the game so we all know that Deadpool
was teased inside of the trailer given ple a little suit but
if you actually look on the wall behind him you can
actually see two massive katanas or swords which
Deadpool carries around on his character in the movies
a whole lot this would honestly be a perfect back bling
for him since he’s always wearing them on his back
it’s his weapon of choice and it’s teased a little bit in
the trailer I would definitely imagine that we see this
backlink also as a free reward from the Deadpool
challenges I also wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a
Deadpool emote come into the game as Deadpool
seems to be a very very talented dancer and that’s a
a large part of his character inside of the movies a
Deadpool emo would be absolutely incredible and I
hope we see it added as one of the rewards but what
we do know is the very very final reward that you will
receive after completing each and every single one
of these challenges, if you haven’t guessed it by now
the final reward on the very final week of the challenges
will be the Deadpool skin unlocked for free on your
account now in order to unlock this skin you are gonna
have to complete every single challenge and with that
a new computer that you have to log on to in order to
see the Deadpool challenges we don’t know if

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The secret

you’re gonna be able to complete last week’s challenges
next week you know what I mean so make sure you get
those challenges did this week because we don’t know
if you’re gonna be able to complete them come next week
the reason we know that Deadpool is actually the secret
unlockable skin for this season is there was a very little
hint inside of the battle past trailer not only was the skin
featured a lot but at the very end when Deadpool is laying
on the V bucks, Deadpool himself is actually quoted saying
I’m the secret battle pass outfit so Deadpool himself said
that he is the secret battle pass outfit and unless he’s lying
to us and the whole toilet bathroom secret Deadpool room
is all a lie this is definitely gonna be the secret skin this
the season also would it be surprising if it turned out that
Deadpool actually plays a part in the fortnight’s storyline
since he seems to kind of fit in with the storyline really
nicely we got secret agents and we got some heroes I
think Deadpool fits into the cast the characters for
the storyline absolutely perfectly and honestly imagine
a live event with Deadpool dawg that would be crazy he
also got some in-game files leaked possibly teasing
another live concert inside a fortnight like what we saw
a year ago with the marshmallow live event this concert
or event could be a Travis Scott concert we for sure know
that there is a cosmetic inside of the game files named
Scot skin if you don’t know who Travis Scott is he’s a
massive hip-hop artist it is a pretty interesting guy this
the file will either turn out to be one of two different things

Epic Games

either one will get a super awesome in-game concert like
we did for marshmallow personally I think that would
be awesome to see and possibly be the coolest fortnight
event ever but we could also just see a Travis Scott skin
released inside of the item shop as a part of the icon
series that for tonight has been running recently through
the icon series we’ve already gotten the ninja skin we’ve
gotten a spokesman to emote as well as the Jourdan Fischer
emote but I think a Travis Scott skin would fit in there
absolutely perfectly let me know your thoughts down
below in the comment section a Travis Scott skin cop
or drop but thank you to Epic Games
all right everyone should say thank you to epic for actually
including the Deadpool skin inside of the battle pass they
so easily could have added that to the item shop and we
all would have bought it for 1,500 V bucks and probably
bought the battle pass as well I love that they decided
to bundle the two together I feel like it was a massive
win-win for everybody we get the Deadpool skin inside a
fortnight we don’t have to pay any extra v bucks for it
and Epic Games gets to use it as something as another
reason for people to spend the money on the battle pass

Games Social

in order to drive those sales up and make all their
shareholders happy it’s a total win-win we get the skin
for free and Epic Games makes a little extra money on
the battle pass but just in case you weren’t able to get
your hands on the new season battle pass it is absolutely
crazy let’s just say I love this season’s battle past man with
the customization options and everything I feel like
everybody should be able to get their hands on this
and give it a try and go through the tiers and everything
like that because it’s so much fun we’re keeping the
100 battle pass giveaway going I gave away battle
passes yesterday and I’m gonna keep giving away
more here on the Homa games channel on the homie

games Twitter and on the official second channel of
homie games I’m also gonna keep the uploads coming
on homie games too we are so so close to a hundred
thousand subscribers on that channel we’re literally like
less than a thousand subscribers away from 100k so
please if you’re not subscribed to that channel go check
it out the link for that will be down in the description I
post videos there covering things in the new update
that may not have made it into the video here on the main
channel so seriously that place is a great place to stay
up-to-date with all of the latest and greatest news involving
fortnight oh forget if you decide to pick up anything
from the for tonight item shop you can use our support
at creator code home games you guys using the code
keeps the giveaways we do alive the 100 battle passes
were given away Tthank you

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What do you think?

Written by tendance

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