

canon r5 hdr

The Canon EOS R5 needs REAL testing

what if I told you that this CANON R5 right here has HDR dual
is oh can record raw video and is about $500 introducing
the Canon 5d Mark – you’re probably thinking to yourself
Armando this is not a new camera hold on wait a minute
let me explain to you why this camera is still relevant in
2020 now before we begin let me give you a bit of history
on the Canon 5d Mark – just because it really did pave
the DSLR revolution at the time when this camera was
released it had some amazing specs you had Full HD you
had a full frame sensor 24 frames per second at such a
small body that it was just pretty mind-blowing at
the time in fact it caught so many people’s attention
including Hollywood there was a lot of movies that
were actually using the Canon 5d Mark – notably one
of them being Iron Man they use it in selective
shots and active valor was actually almost completely

shot using the Canon 5d Mark – there was even TV
shows like house where they filmed an entire episode
using the canon 5d mark ii and frankly it was actually
one of the best-looking episodes in the house series
the thing is that when this camera first shipped it didn’t
have dual iso HDR mode you didn’t have focus peaking
zebras or even the ability to record raw video so how is
it possible that you can do that today well as I mentioned
earlier this camera was so popular that there was a
strong community of developers that created a
software called magic lantern which essentially
gave you the ability to hack the firmware of this
camera to unlock features that originally Canon

full hd canon r5 hdr

the Magic Lantern software

did not intend to have now to get started with
magic lantern it’s actually very simple of course
you’ll need a camera like the canon 5d mark ii now
what’s cool is that magic lantern actually supports
other cameras also like the 7d 60 usm even
the EOS 5d Mark 3 in fact I’m gonna tell you
guys a great place where you can pick these up
a little bit later in the video now once you have any
of these cameras you need to get a compact flash
card if you’re using the 5d mark ii i’m using this from
lex art it reads and writes really quick i’ll also leave a
few links down below two other cards that I know
work really well with magic lantern you’ll also need a
computer to download the Magic Lantern software
and also use the MLV software which I’ll show you
guys in a second now after you install Magic Lantern

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you’ll notice that there’s a plethora of options and I’m
not gonna go through every single one of them but
I will go over some of my favorite ones let’s go ahead
and jump into raw video first now the raw video from
magic lantern is a bit different from the traditional raw
that you’ve probably heard of for example our 3d is
from red ProRes raw from Apple or Canon Raw light
from Canon this one is more of a hacked version
therefore you need software to decode that raw
and a long time ago like several years ago it was
so difficult to process that you have to like do all
this like da stuff and it was just a pain now it’s actually
very simple remember I told you you have to download
that MLV software well that MLV software allows you

HDR mode

to playback this raw you can export it to whatever you
want pro res or even raw itself you can export to cinema
dmg and open this up in Final Cut Pro Premiere Pro or
your favorite and Ally now here’s a few examples film
with the canon 5d mark ii in raw

now isn’t the only feature that is unlocked using
magic lantern you can also record in HDR mode
and it’s actually really cool the way it works so half of
your frames are overexposed and then the other half
are underexposed and then you take this into MLB
software and then you merge these clips together
giving you this really high dynamic range video file
the problem is that and I’m just giving you guys a

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Written by tendance

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