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Walmart Launching free drive in movie screenings

Walmart Launching free drive in movie screenings

Walmart announces free drive-in movies: Theater locations, dates

thanks to walmart we’re chatting about it in today’s dbl
drive sponsored by who y’all car shield yes that’s right
the retailer is turning 160 of their parking lots into in
theaters starting august 1st they’ll stay open through
october so if you want to check out the locations go
to walmartdriven when it comes to your car for
peace of mind get an auto protection plan with car
shield car shield protects their members from the
very high cost of auto repairs call 1-800-505-9619
for a free quote i have always wanted to go to a
drive-in well there’s a lot of options now i know
i’m excited i’m gonna i’m gonna go and have
popcorn and wear my hair in a pony and a poodle

skirt it’ll be great for no one to see you yep no one’s
gonna see me zero people see you you’re all you’re
totally right no one sees you what do you think
brandon are you gonna go i would i think it’s great
for couples because just think about what date
night has been has been going out to eat it’s
the same thing now you’re able to go see a movie
you know have fun with the car and smooch you

Walmart Converts Parking Lots to Drive-In Theaters

Walmart’s may be turning into a theater a drive-in theater
to be exact they’re gonna be hosting different things like
family nights they’re also working on something we’re
gonna talk about in the video a lot of virtual summer
camp for kids so it looks like they’re trying to make a
good situation out of some of the bad cards people
been dealt just trying to make changes in
accommodations because you know a lot of
problems are going on theaters people don’t
want to go inside and I think right now is the
perfect time for the rise of the drive-in movie theater
it’s really important because it’s a way for everyone
to still go enjoy a movie and then practice the social
distance in practice whatever they need to or

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whatever they believe in and feel safe but at
the same time it’s going to be like an event like
I like going to a drive-in theater over a regular theater
any day it doesn’t matter what’s going on that year
it’s just more eventful it’s more fun just feel more
immersed I don’t know why he just do i if someone
could back me up on that one and put in the
comments you just feel better when you pull up in
the summer and a drive-in theater I haven’t been to
many I’ve been to one or two in my life honestly
there’s not many around where I am but hopefully
that is to change with everything going on so enough
rambling let me pull up some articles here right

free drive in movies

here from Yahoo it says although summer 2020
isn’t going to be the big party we’d all look forward
to it doesn’t mean it’s not going to be one to remember
Walmart has given family something fun to do by
transforming store parking lots into drive-in movie
theaters the retail giant has teamed up with the
Tribeca enterprises to bring the big screen back
to life with the touring drive-in movie theaters
beginning in August through October 160 Wal Mart
parking lots will turn into contact free theaters the
family-friendly movie nights will include 320 showings
of hit films the Walmart driving will even feature
special appearances from filmmakers and celebrities
for concessions you can order snacks and drinks

online for curbside pickup before the movie and
you can also get concessions delivered right to your
car so someone named Janie who is a chief
customer officer at Walmart say it’s summer
hasn’t really felt like summer yet and through the
digital means and fast footprint of stores they’re
hoping to bring some summer fun to families
across the country they know that Walmart plays
a role in the communities that extends far beyond
getting them necessary supplies and they see it more
than ever Walmart will be releasing more information
about the drive-in movie theater and tour when it gets
closer to its opening and you can stay up to date
here we’re gonna pull up that link and we’ll go to

brief overview of the virtual summer camp and movie programs

that in a second in addition to Walmart driving
the retailer is bringing and camp to your home starting
on July 8th can’t buy Walmart which is in partnership
with camp a family experience company will give
kids free access to 50 celebrity, expert led
camp activities your head camp counselor Neil
Patrick Harris well presents Neil’s charades of
musical mad libs drew Barrymore will take
campers through a makeup tutorial LeBron
James will walk participants through mental
and physical activities with his promise school
educators idina menzel will go all out with their
singing skills and Todd Oldham will bring the
creativity with arts crafts and fashion through
smarts and crafts an additional 200 sessions

will be added throughout the summer so that’s
really cool that they’re doing different things
of course you can look at it and say oh they’re
trying to make money they’re trying to make
money but also it’s really cool what they’re
doing I’m sure not everyone is super of course
money is being thought of but at the same time
it is cool that they’re thinking of different ways to
keep the whole family entertained from grown to
young and that’s something that I can get down
with and honestly if it’s in my area I probably go
to one and pull up and get some curbside pickup
uh some foods and drinks and I can’t imagine I
mean at Walmart the food and drinks and the
concessions got to be way cheaper than a movie
theater right so that’s a plus right there I’m sure
the concessions are dirt cheap so that’s another

walmart movies that would be absolutely awesome

plus and like I said another article right here we
won’t go over it because it kind of covers the
same thing but this is just a brief overview of
the virtual summer camp and movie programs
that they got going on so all kinds of different
activities and stuff like that so I’m really looking
forward to what they’re going in the summer and
another thing that I’m looking forward to is not
it’s not that it started o in July and ends in
September it’s that it starts in August and ends
in October and the fact that it ends in October
gives a chance to play some like Halloween
movie some spooky movies who knows some
family-friendly nightmare before Christmas type
movies that would be absolutely awesome to
pull up on a fall night and just watch one of

those movies at your local Walmart you never
think would happen but hey this is what the
times are bringing and maybe it could be plus
it could be fun who knows we’re gonna have to
wait and see and find out but this is pretty much
most of the video there’s nothing really else to
cover here I have the information right here that
just says the drive-in is coming soon get ready
for the most amazing family drive-in movie tour
ever starting our early August for popping up
safe socially distance driving events so you
can go ahead and sign up for the Walmart
common weekly newsletter for more info
and it’s gonna keep you up to date as far as
the movies being played I haven’t been able

walmart (any information)

to locate any information on that so I don’t
think that they actually have the set listings
right now I’m sure there’s different things I
got to do it licensing and contracts and
copyright and all that different stuff that
goes into it legal wise so it is a pretty big
deal that they got to go through a couple
things but I’m sure it’s all gonna get worked
out awesome and maybe they’re gonna do
double features triple features who knows
what they’re going to do who knows the time

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What do you think?

Written by tendance

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