
Terminator dark fate

terminator dark fate2

The Terminator dark fate was directed by Tim Miller and stars Linda Hamilton McKenzie Davis Arnold Schwarzenegger and natalia reyes and is the story of Sarah Connor and a hybrid cyborg human who now must protect a young girl from a newly modified liquid Terminator from the future and according to reports published before this film’s release Edward Furlong as John Connor is also in the movie so we can all look forward to that I saw this film last Tuesday actually but I waited as long as I did to review it because I really could not see myself reviewing this movie without talking about spoilers because there are so many things I want to discuss and so I’m going to wait until after my grade if you haven’t seen the film yet this weekend and you don’t want to know any spoilers I understand that so I’m gonna talk about the movie and then after I get my grade I’m gonna talk about some other things the Terminator franchise has basically been a mediocre bland pile of crap since Terminator 2 the first two films were amazing and I still loved them but after that they’ve all been pretty disposable and Genesis was rather embarrassing so with James Cameron returning as a producer and Tim Miller directing Linda Hamilton coming back as Sarah Connor it felt like there was something happening it felt like there were possibilities here and while this movie is competently helmed and the action sequences can be enjoyable to watch and I suppose as an action movie only it’s not too bad as a terminator movie I thought this was awful and I think that’s where this movie is going to divide viewers because I understand that they’re probably trying to make a new Terminator movie for a new generation of fans who don’t give a shit about the old ones but that also doesn’t make sense because you have Swardson Egger back and you have Linda Hamilton back and you have James Cameron back so why aren’t you trying to honor the legacy of the first two films maybe they actually were maybe they genuinely had no idea they were making a movie that took a giant shit all over the legacy of the first two maybe they really thought they were actually honoring them but it really doesn’t feel were man I want to talk about spoilers I hate let’s push aside my gripes and be realistic Mackenzie Davis is really good in this movie I thought she was really badass and I liked her character quite a bit she dedicated a lot of physicality to this role and I thought she was wonderful in the movie Linda Hamilton is by far my favorite part of the whole film she is awesome she’s great as this character and she totally fits in those boots once again all these years later she added a lot to the movie and I loved seeing her back and despite the fact that I didn’t love what they did with Arnold Schwarzenegger storyline I thought he was really funny in the movie it’s it’s weird because like I didn’t love what they were doing with the character but I undeniably laughed many times but if you’ve seen the trailers you know that they find him in a cabin in the woods so I don’t really think it’s much of a spoiler to say that this character has sort of settled down which is odd we’ll talk about that after the grade as I stated the action sequences are propulsive there’s many of them and it does feel like the movie moves consistently although I thought it dragged considerably during the middle of the film a lot of the action sequences feel a bit too tight and it just doesn’t feel real I’m gonna compare them to movies that were made in the 80s in the early 90s probably more than you might want me to do in this video but I think it’s kind of necessary why are these films made so many years ago so much better why do they look so much better because they’re really fucking happening and so much of this shit in this movie even some of the stuff that is actually happening like car crashes there’s a shiny fake filter over everything and I just didn’t buy anything that was happening the thing that this bugged me about this movie is that it really is a recycled Terminator 2 plot there are a few extra little characters beats that are

added but this series once again cannot figure out how to be a series without somebody protecting somebody from another Terminator it’s the same plot I don’t understand why this series can’t figure out how to tell a story that doesn’t involve the Connors or Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator Salvation is actually the closest that they’ve ever got to do that which is one of the reasons iris affect that movie more than most terminator sequels even though I don’t love it look I can’t go on any longer without talking about some of my spoiler issues so I’m just gonna grade this film I’m gonna give terminator dark fate a sea look that’s the same grade I gave Genesis I think this movie is better than Genesis because Mackenzie Davis and Linda Hamilton and sports nigger are all good in the movie and I liked these characters I liked seeing them on screen and the action was better and better directed than in Genesis is the story here guys the script everything about it just really tanked to this movie for me and got it to a point where I want to as a terminator fan just be like this is like a dd+ but I’m being realistic okay this is a competently made for the most part action movie so we’re gonna get into spoilers when the movie begins you may have heard this already there is a DA John Connor and a DA JH Sarah Connor another Terminator shows up while they’re sitting at some restaurant somewhere and just fuckin kills John Connor right there shoots him and he’s dead they pulled an alien 3 we watched aliens we got attached to Hicks and Newt we understood this family dynamic that was being built and then David Fincher and all of his brilliance came in and said no I don’t want to deal with that I’m gonna tell my own story and while I respect elements of alien 3 that were a disservice to the characters and it makes aliens feel less important it just kind of makes you feel like oh well I’m glad you got off that place but you’re just gonna fucking die soon here in a minute and that’s exactly how I feel about the ending of Terminator 2 now all of the sacrifices made the important mission to protect John Connor and destroy Skynet all of that doesn’t seem to matter because he’s just gonna fucking die and this new thing called Legion is going to shoot up and suddenly take over the world and now this is the real problem this is the biggest issue I have with the Terminator franchise the timeline is royally fucked and this happens a lot when you have time-travel in movies it’s very difficult to pull off correctly it’s why not a lot of filmmakers do it because you have so much now that’s happening and it’s really impossible to figure it out I’m sure there’s a website somewhere that’s going to explain it perfectly but even when they explain it it’s just going to be like a summary of events you’re not actually going to be able to make any sense of it now I’m not the kind of person that gets so attached to characters and films that I love that can’t also appreciate something new a new attempt at certain things a new attempt to take characters in a direction and a risk I actually am okay with that which is why that first scene in Terminator dark fate did not piss me off because I was waiting for the film to justify its existence I figured okay if they’re gonna do that they got a reason actually they don’t this new character Danny is the new one they’re trying to protect there’s even a line in the film where Sarah Connor says and I’m paraphrasing that she’s the new John it was so obvious and on the nose that it actually made me cringe so they’re not actually justifying it they’re just saying hey you know that storyline that we all know and love doesn’t fucking matter we’re going to replace it with a blueprint of it just with a different character now which I found extremely convoluted boring an unnecessary now Arnold Schwarzenegger in the film plays The Terminator that killed John Connor he’s older now his skin has aged as a terminators skin does and he’s kind of sad about it and he has settled down and started a family Sarah Connor asks him like does your wife ever noticed that you weigh like 400 pounds and he’s like our relationship isn’t physical that’s actually kind of fucking funny he installs drapes which is also very funny and there are some lines he has that are great and he is great in the movie I just don’t really buy it the series has set up that this just doesn’t happen you can teach the Terminator things by switching the right shit in their head as shown in one of the scenes in Terminator 2 but again I waited for them to justify that opening scene where they killed John Connor the idea that the Terminator that does it decides I feel bad about that and I wish I hadn’t to me that doesn’t justify it’s an interesting idea to explore an AI with a conscience that decides they’re a little self-aware and just wants to fucking install drapes I’m all for that weird fucking bizarre idea but I just don’t think the film pulled it off I thought this was a major missed opportunity to me it felt like the studio’s we’re trying to make a Marvel movie a lot of these big-budget action films nowadays are trying to be like the MCU and they really shouldn’t the Terminator films at least the first two felt sort of like hybrids between horror and science fiction especially the first one with Arnold being this unstoppable force that would just fucking rip you apart if you gave him the opportunity now they just feel so safe even though this is rated there’s nothing about it that feels dangerous it’s just bloody side note though at the screening on

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