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New Mac Pro Macbook Pro Display XDR G

Capture d’écran 2019 12 08 à 21.32.15

This is the new Mac Pro

Mac Pro Macbook Pro Display XDR G

Apple has finally shown off a new Mac Pro to replace
the old trashcan design that launched in 2013

Apple says the new mackintosh professional is that the most powerful neck
it’s ever created the outer casing is well removable creating it simple for users to upgrade the pc
and add in things like a lot of RAM and storage the
handles up high create it simple to hold

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and there are even custom wheels if you want to roll it
around as for the specs

so we’re using a brand Intel Xeon processor up to 28 cores
we’re giving it over 300 watts of power
and a passive heatsink for cooling so this means it can run fully unconstrained all the time

6 channels of superfast ECC memory in 12 DIMM
slots enable an incredible 1.5 terabytes of system
memory eight internal PCI slots there are four
double-wide slots and three single-wide slots
and there’s one additional half-length lot that
we populate with an i/o card

now this card has two Thunderbolt 3 ports 2
USB ports and an audio jack and there are also 2
more Thunderbolt 3 ports conveniently located
on the top of the system

finally, the Mac Pro has two built-in ten Gigabit Ethernet ports

of course, a new Mac Pro needs a monitor to go with
it an Apple has just that in a new 32-inch LCD 6k
Retina display with a super-wide viewing angle

so we have a tendency to did thusmething wonderful we have a tendency to designed the rear
lattice pattern to act as a heat sink this doubles
the surface area quietly extracting heat from each led

the results are incredible this display can maintain
1000 nits of full-screen brightness indefinitely
there’s one more feature that does not get much
attention on other displays and that’s the stat
which is as pro as the display itself

first, it has an amazing counterbalancing arm that
makes the display feel virtually weightless it provides
tilt and height adjustment and it maintains the
displays angle as it’s raised or it’s lowered and
it has a rotation for portrait mode it’s the only
display in the industry that delivers every feature
on a prose wish list and more

the new Mac Pro starts at six thousand dollars
while the monitor starts at five thousand the
VESA mount adapter will be $1.99 and the pro
stand $9.99 and mic the Mac Pro they’ll all be
available in this in the fall so that is a new
Mac Pro and Pro display XDR what do you
think is the new Mac Pro worth six thousand dollars

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What do you think?

Written by tendance

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